In your home

Shower with a friend! Do you like long showers? Even if you already have a high-efficiency showerhead, every minute you shorten your shower can save up to 75 gallons per month.

Do you have a leaky faucet? A little drip may not seem like much, but a faucet that drips just five times a minute may be wasting more than 200 gallons of water a year.

Is your toilet a water hog? Replacing an old 3½- To 8-gallon-per-flush toilet with a new 1.28-gallon-per-flush (or less) high-efficiency model could save thousands of gallons per year. If you are thinking of replacing a toilet, check with the DDMWC: a toilet rebate is currently being offered.

Do you leave the faucet running when you brush your teeth? Turn it off to save 70 gallons per month or more. You can also install water-saving faucet aerators to further reduce your faucet water use.

Do you have an old washing machine? A high-efficiency clothes washer may use half the water and energy that a traditional washer uses. And don’t forget to only run full loads (in your dishwasher, too). Think about replacing an inefficient washing machine.

Have a dirty car? Use a bucket of water instead of a hose to wash your car. Even better, take your car to a car wash that recycles its water.

Water Conservation Measures

The following DDMWC conservation measures are currently in effect:

-Limit all outdoor landscape irrigation to 3 days per week.
-Water between 6:00 pm and 8:00 am.
-Water 15 minutes or less, unless you have a drip
irrigation system.
-Use a bucket or hose with a shut-off nozzle on
areas without an irrigation system.
-Repair leaks within 48 hours.
-All fountains, ponds and water features must be
recirculating except fish ponds and tanks sustaining aquatic life.
-Do not wash off decks, paved areas, patios, driveways and sidewalks, or allow
run-off into roadways or canyons, except for emergency fire, health or safety.
-Wash cars, trucks, and boats with
a bucket or hose with a shut-off nozzle, or take it to a commercial recycling car wash.


Water Conservation Tips

Try these tips below. You can find more good ideas on water conservation at,,,, etc.

Del Dios Mutual

Water Company

In the garden

  • Whenever possible, plant only native or low-water and drought-resistant plants.
  • Limit the amount of area devoted to your lawn. Lawns need great quantities of water, particularly in the summer.
  • Wait until fall or winter to install a new garden. New plantings require more water than established growth.
  • Keep low-water plants away from “thirsty” plants. Mediterranean-zone plants can suffer if they are over watered as you care for their neighbors.
  • Keep shade plants in the shade. This will help prevent them from drying out.
  • Place water-loving plants at the bottom of slopes, where they will benefit from water runoff.
  • Include mulch around shrubs and plants to help reduce evaporation, limit weed growth, moderate soil temperature, and prevent erosion.
  • When it’s time to water, do it at dawn or dusk to reduce evaporation.
  • Check your sprinkler system regularly. A sprinkler system can waste water if sprinkler heads are broken, automatic timers are not adjusted for rain, or hidden leaks are not detected.
  • A garden hose can use 10 gallons of clean drinking water per minute. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean patios, walkways, and driveways.
  • Replace mulch around shrubs and plants at least once per year and remove weeds as needed